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prices of veterinary services

Current price list

MedinaVet Veterinary Clinic offers services for dogs and cats, as well as for productive animals such as cattle and sheep.

See price list for:


The given price list includes the minimum value of the work done, and the value of the consumables and medicines is calculated additionally.

50% of the estimated value is paid in advance before starting an operation.

Price list for dogs and cats

Price list of veterinary services for dogs and cats.

I. General / general manipulations and services

# Service Price
1. Primary examination 15 lv.
2. Secondary examination
3. Home visit (working hours) 20 lv.
4. Home visit (outside working hours) 30 lv.
5. Preparation / reissuance of an international health passport 5 lv.
6. Issuance of an ordinary passport 2 lv.
7. Administration of the drug per os (orally) 2 lv.
8. Applying a bandage 5 – 10 lv.
9. Treatment of abscess 10 – 30 lv.
10. Wound treatment 10 – 30 lv.
11. Urine examination 10 lv.
12. Microscopic examination 10 lv.
13. Blood tests 35 lv.
14. Tick removal 5 lv.
15. Microchipping 30 lv.

II. Vaccination of a dog + examination

# Service Price
1. I vaccine + examination (35-45 days) 25 lv.
2. II vaccine + examination (50-70 days) 30 lv.
3. III vaccine + examination (after 90 days) 35 lv.
4. Rabies monovalent - dog 15 lv.

III. Cat / rabbit vaccination + examination

# Service Price
1. First cat vaccine 35 lv.
2. Second cat vaccine 35 lv.
3. Monovalent rabies - cat 15 lv.
4. Vaccination of rabbits 10 lv.

IV. Injections

# Service Price
1. Muscular, subcutaneous injection 3 lv.
2. Intravenous injection 5 lv.
3. Intravenous infusion 10 lv.
4. Subcutaneous and intracutaneous 3 lv.
5. Injection subconjunctival 8 lv.
6. Paralumbar injection 10 lv.
7. Injections epidural, intraarticular 15 lv.
8. Flushing and application of medicinal products (intravesical, intramammary, oral) 3 lv. / pet

V. Spays & Neuters of dogs and cats

# Service Price
1. Tom-cat 60 lv.
2. Cryptorchid 90 lv.
3. Cat 120 lv.
4. Male dog, 1-10 kg. 60 lv.
5. Male dog, 10-20 kg. 65 lv.
6. Male dog, 20-40 kg. 70 lv.
7. Male dog, above 40 kg. 80 lv.
8. Female dog, до 10 kg. 120 lv.
9. Female dog, 10-20 kg. 125 lv.
10. Female dog, 20-30 kg. 130 lv.
11. Female dog, above 30 kg. 135 lv.


VI. Mastectomy

# Service Price
1. Dog 80 – 250 lv.
2. Cat 60 – 180 lv.

VII. Maternity care and cesarean section

# Service Price
1. Dog 120 – 200 lv.
2. Cat 150 – 280 lv.
3. Maternity care 20 – 50 lv.
4. Removal of a foreign body / without anesthesia / 15 – 25 lv.

VIII. Surgery

# Service Price
1. Surgical treatment of pyometra - cat 130 - 180 lv.
2. Surgical treatment of pyometra - dog 150 - 250 lv.
3. Fallen vagina of a dog/cat 80 - 160 lv.
4. Otochematoma (unilateral) 70 - 100 lv.
5. Removal of bladder stones 130 - 180 lv.
6. Removal of a permanent tooth 10 - 30 lv.
7. Removal of deciduous teeth 20 - 60 lv.
8. Eye surgery 80 - 160 lv.
9. Surgical treatment of umbilical hernia 60 - 80 lv.
10. Surgical treatment of abdominal hernia 80 - 160 lv.
11. Surgical treatment of inguinal hernia 180 - 280 lv.
12. Remove extra finger 20 - 40 lv.
13. Removal of skin tumor 80 - 200 lv.
14. Urethrostomy - a dog 150 - 200 lv.
15. Urethrostomy - a cat 180 - 300 lv.
16. Cat's rectal prolapse surgery 120 – 150 lv.
17. Surgery for prolapse of the dog's rectum 120 – 180 lv.

IX. Euthanasia and autopsy

# Service Price
1. Euthanasia of a dog 30 – 70 lv.
2. Euthanasia of a cat 30 – 40 lv.
3. Dog / cat autopsy 40 – 90 lv.

X. Amputation

# Service Price
1. Chest limb / cat / 120 – 200 lv.
2. Pelvic limb /cat/ 200 – 300 lv.
3. Thoracic limb / dog / 180 - 280 lv.
4. Pelvic limb / dog / 200 - 400 lv.

Price list for farm animals

Price list of veterinary services for productive animals.

  • Wholesale ruminants (WR) are: cows, bulls, oxen, buffaloes, mares, stallions, horses, donkeys, mules, mules, game and offspring.
  • Small ruminants (SR) are: sows, boars, fattening pigs, sheep, rams, goats, sticks, dogs, cats, fur animals.

I. Clinical examination

# Service Price
1. Equidae 15 lv.
2. Wholesale Ruminant 15 lv.
3. Small ruminants 15 lv.
4. Rodents 15 lv.
5. Bee family 4 lv.
6. Reptiles 10 lv.
7. Fish 0.20 lv. / kg.
8. Stay of the doctor due to someone else's fault 30 min – 20 lv.

II. Special diagnostic tests

# Service Price
1. Tuberculinization of a large ruminant 10 lv.
2. Differential tuberculization of a large ruminant 10 lv.
3. Gynecological examination of wholesale ruminants 15 lv.
4. Rectal examination of a large ruminant animal 20 lv.
5. Rectal examination of a wholesale ruminant animal for pregnancy 20 lv.
6. Gynecological examination of small ruminant animal and pig 15 lv.
7. Examination of the udder 5 lv.
8. Study of lameness in all species of animals 5 lv.
9. Andrological examination of all species of animals 15 lv.
10. Examination of the heart and blood circulation 15 lv.
11. Examination of eyes and vision 15  lv.
12. Examination of ears and hearing 15 lv.

III. Manipulations

# Service Price
1. Enema of a large animal 25 lv.
2. Enema of a small animal 15 lv.
3. Troaking of one / small animal 25 lv.
4. Placement of an esophageal gastric tube 25 lv.
5. Examination of the oral cavity larynx/pharynx 15 lv.
6. Physiotherapy/massage 15 - 25 lv.
7. Gastric lavage 15 - 30 lv.
8. Taking a secret 5 lv.
9. Taking a foreskin wash 30 lv.
10. Fecal sampling of all species 5 lv.
11. Bird autopsy 10 lv.
12. Retail ruminant autopsy 40 lv.
13. Wholesale ruminant autopsy 90 lv.
14. Marking with earmark 5 lv.
15. Therapeutic bloodletting for large and small animals 5 lv.
16. Taking a blood sample 3 lv.
17. Application of drugs uterine or rectal 8 lv.
18. Application of drugs in the udder 1.50 lv. / breast
19. Issuance of AMD 5 - 10 lv.

IV. Maternity care and operations

# Service Price
1. Maternity care / birth of a cow 50 - 80 lv.
2. Maternity care/birth of a mare 65 - 90 lv.
3. Maternity care / for the birth of a sheep/goat 30 lv.
4. Maternity care for pigs 35 - 50 lv.
5. Maternity care for a rabbit 15 lv.
6. Cesarean section of a cow 120 - 160 lv.
7. Cesarean section of a sheep/goat 60 - 80 lv.
8. Cesarean section of a pig 80 - 100 lv.
9. Surgical closure of the vagina in ruminant prolapse 30 - 50 lv.
10. Surgical closure of the vagina in small ruminant prolapse 20 - 40 lv.
11. Manual removal of the placenta in large ruminants 40 - 60 lv.
12. Manual removal of the placenta in small ruminants 20 - 30 lv.
13. Surgical intervention in the rupture of soft and genital roads in large ruminants 50 - 70 lv.
14. Surgical intervention in rupture of soft and genital pathways in small ruminants 20 - 30 lv.
15. Surgical removal of tumors of the skin and mucous membranes 50 - 250 lv.
16. Surgical removal of tumors of the skin and mucous membranes 50 - 250 lv.
17. Surgical removal of breast tumors 70 - 120 lv.
18. Surgical removal of abdominal tumors 120 - 250 lv.
19. Uterine repositioning, including suturing, after prolapse in a large animal 100 - 120 lv.
20. Uterine repositioning, including suturing, after prolapse in a small animal 60 - 80 lv.
21. Uterine repositioning, including suturing, after prolapse in a pig 50 - 60 lv.
22. Uterine amputation after prolapse in a large animal 150 lv.
23. Uterine amputation after prolapse in a small animal 80 lv.
24. Large animal mastectomy 140 - 160 lv.
25. Reading an X-ray 10 lv.

V. Spays & Neuters

# Service Price
1. Castration of a bull - in an open way 60 lv.
2. Castration of a bull - indoors - with Burdizio 30 lv.
3. Castration of boar - over 3 years 30 lv.
4. Castration of a pig 30 lv.
5. Castration of a ram, rod up to 2 m. 30 lv.
6. Castration of a ram, rod over 2 m. 40 lv.
7. Castration of a ram, rod with Bordizio 20 lv.

VIII. Surgical and obstetric operations and manipulations

# Service Price
1. Wholesale ruminant felling with fixation 15 - 25 lv.
2. Retail of ruminant or pig with fixation 15 lv.
3. Simple bandage 5 lv.
4. Bandage complicated 12 lv.
5. Wound bandage 15 lv.
6. Wound suturing - simple 15 lv.
7. Wound suturing - complicated / multi-storey 25 - 30 lv.
8. Breasts surgery 15 lv.
9. Opening an abscess 8 - 15 lv.
10. Superficial (local) anesthesia 10 lv.
11. Infiltration anesthesia 15 lv.
12. Conductive anesthesia 20 lv.
13. General anesthesia of wholesale ruminants 30 lv.
14. General anesthesia of small ruminants / pig / dog / cat 20 lv.
15. Removal of a foreign body from the larynx - conservative - in large ruminants 30 lv.
16. Removal of a foreign body from the larynx - conservative - in small ruminants, pig, dog, cat 15 lv.
17. Puncture of a bird's air bag 5 lv.
18. Removal of calf horn up to 6 m 5 lv.
19. Removal of calf horn over 6 m 10 lv.
20. Removal of small ruminant horn, up to 30 days 5 lv.
21. Removal of horn small ruminant, over 30 days 10 lv.
22. Ear piercing and cleaning 8 - 10 lv.
23. Eyelid surgery (entropium, ectropium) 60 lv. / piece
24. Puncture of the knee cavity 15 lv.
25. Thoracic puncture 15 lv.
26. Bladder puncture 15 lv.
27. Surgery for umbilical hernia (umbilical) - in large ruminants 60 lv.
28. Surgery for umbilical hernia (umbilical) - in small ruminants and pigs 40 lv.
29. Surgery for umbilical hernia (umbilical) - in pigs up to 6 m. 30 lv.
30. Surgery for umbilical hernia in a dog 50 - 80 lv.
31. Perineal hernia 100 lv.
32. Perineal hernia, bilateral 150 lv.
33. Repositioning including operative prolapse prolapse - in large ruminants 80 - 120 lv.
34. Repositioning including operative prolapse - in small ruminants 40 - 60 lv.
35. Surgery for rectal and anal fistula 80 - 120 lv.
36. Rectal amputation after prolapse - in large ruminants 80 lv.
37. Rectal amputation after prolapse - in small ruminants 40 lv.
38. Rectal amputation after prolapse - in pig, suckling pig 30 lv.
39. Extirpation of perianal sacs / glands 80 lv.
40. Salivary gland and duct surgery 100 lv.
41. Orthopedic hoof trimming of small ruminants 5 lv.
42. Tail surgery - large ruminant 20 - 40 lv.
43. Tail surgery - small ruminant, pig 15 - 40 lv.

Call us for a consultation

Not sure what your pet needs? Contact us and our veterinarian will advise you on the condition of your animal.


Veterinary Clinic
and Pet Store "MedinaVet"

Visit us on site

To Google Maps for 4 Malyovitsa Street,
Veliko Tarnovo 5000

Work hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 am - 18:30 pm
Sat: 10:00 am - 14:00 pm
Sun: Closed

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