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Our veterinarian is even available online

If you may be far away from us or just do not have time to visit us to see your pet, you can now very easily book your appointment for an online consultation by phone or virtually with Dr. Zdravko Dimitrov.


up to 45 minutes

Price - 20 to 60 BGN

It is paid in advance by bank transfer

Online virtually or by phone

Google Meet, Skype, Zoom

For payment by bank transfer

Bank: Raiffeisenbank EAD
IBAN: BG54 RZBB 9155 100 34 14 921

Send an inquiry for an online consultation by filling out the form

EN Lead Gen Form

Do you prefer to call us directly?

Why telehealth?

In today’s busy world, we understand that it is not always easy to find time and come to your veterinarian on the spot when your pet is not feeling well.

Our experienced veterinarian can help you by diagnosing and recommending treatment for your pet’s problem through a video call.

Online virtual consultation

Virtual online consultation is very similar to a physical visit. Our veterinarian will ask you a few questions, examine your pet, and recommend some treatments for the complaint you have.

And if you think that your dog or cat needs extra care on the spot, after the online consultation we will explain what the next steps may be.

How to telehealth consultations work?

1. Send an inquiry

Use the form above to send your inquiry or you can also call us directly by phone.

2. Get your confirmation

After sending your inquiry, we will contact you to choose a suitable day and time for your consultation.

3. Time for your consultation

Your consultation will be on the day and time specified by you. We can meet on the phone, Google Meet, Zoom or Skype.

how we can help?

Symptoms that we can address during the online consultation

Some suitable situations for an online consultation include:

Upset stomach


Nutrition and diets

Medical opinion

Weight loss and healthy weight

Itching and rash


Wounds and abrasions

Eye and ear problems

General veterinary advice

Ear infections

Behavioral problems

Fleas and ticks

Separation anxiety

If your pet experiences any of the following symptoms, please bring them to MedinaVet or another nearby veterinary clinic as soon as possible: No response or loss of consciousness, seizures, collapse, bleeding, which does not stop, severe trauma or pain, bloated abdomen, inability to urinate or shallow, or rapid breathing.

Benefits of telehealth consultation

Easy inquiry and answer the same day

Veterinary care wherever you are

Easily order anything from our pet store by phone

Reasonable prices for consultation

Highly qualified and experienced veterinarian


You would rather visit us on site?